Should CEO’s Share Their Political & Religious Beliefs On Social Media?

According to a recent Glassdoor poll of over 1,200 employed adults, 57% of workers say they have talked about politics while on the job — despite 60% saying they “believe discussing politics at work is unacceptable.” Overall, 60% of employees said they believe discussing politics at work could negatively impact their career opportunities. Citation Link: […]

Gillette Chastises Men In A New Commercial Highlighting The #Metoo Movement & Some Are Furious

Gillette Chastises Men In A New Commercial Highlighting The #Metoo Movement & Some Are Furious Gillette is calling on men to step it up. A new ad, called “We Believe” and lasting a minute and a half, encourages men to to change their behavior. It directly invokes the #MeToo movement in order to directly confront […]

Seven Lessons We Can Learn From Roseanne’s Firing & What It Reveals About The Culture of America

Seven Lessons We Can Learn From Roseanne’s Firing & What It Reveals About The Culture of America It took 21 years for Roseanne Barr’s show to make a strong comeback but, it just took one tweet to destroy it. “Roseanne” was the most-watched show on TV with its premiere garnering 18.2 million viewers. In today’s […]

Seven Tips On A Successful Media Appearance

Seven Tips On A Successful Media Appearance If the thought of presenting your expertise to millions has ever crossed your mind, these tips below will give you a competitive edge when working with the press. Your success not only depends on what you’re able to do on air but, also behind the scenes. Show Up: Always […]

Should PR Professionals Express Their Personal Points of View On Twitter?

Should PR professionals express their personal points of view on Twitter?
Under no circumstances should a PR pro tweet their personal opinions. These thoughts can put the reputations of both your clients and your firm at risk. Prevalent in today’s America is the hyper-sensitive lynch mob that viciously tears, shames, and attacks its prey for using words depicted as racist, jokes seen as repugnant, or views perceived as offensive or radically different to those of the masses.

Dr. Oz To Go Supernova Over Rockefeller Center Taxi Heroics

Dr. Oz To Go Supernova Over Rockefeller Center Taxi Heroics Ryan McCormick, a media relations specialist from Goldman McCormick PR is available for interviews. What Impact Will Dr. Oz’s Heroics Today At Rockefeller Center Have On His Career? RM – Dr. Oz is going into the stratosphere and we predict a huge spike his show […]

Miley Cyrus PR Fallout

Cyrus can learn a lot from Brittney Spears who presented herself as a pristine, good girl for so many years before collapsing under her carefully constructed PR lie. Spears did several things that the public at the time considered reprehensible but, in the end she still performs and she still has millions of fans. Cyrus doesn’t have to go through was Spears did if she’s simply honest with her fans. She may lose some of her fans in the short term but, she’ll gain a tremendous amount of respect from her loyal fans in the long term.

Bring Back Donny Deutsch’s “The Big Idea”

Not only is Deutch one of the most successful entrepreneurs in American history but, he’s a master communicator. Deutch’s old CNBC show “The Big Idea” featured hundreds of people from all backgrounds who were pursing the American dream. Many of these people came up products that if seen by the right investor, could spawn hundreds of new jobs being created. “The Big Idea” showed viewers night after night how hard work, ingenuity, self belief, and passion could bring forth great financial success and total economic freedom. “The Big Idea” embodied everything that was great about America because it emphasized what America’s infinite and often greatest untapped resource was: American Ingenuity.

Family Guy’s PR Lessons

Recently on an episode of Fox’s “Family Guy” Stewie Griffin became Brian’s Publicist and launched a massive media blitz to promote Brian’s new self-help book. While the show regularly entertains millions with crude, cutting edge humor there were some interesting lessons about PR taught in the episode.