Tiger Woods’ Twitter Press Conference

Woods used Twitter to communicate directly to his fans without fear of any scrutiny from professional journalists or intrusive paparazzi. We think if he continues to do this, Woods will eventually reestablish the strong connection of personal intimacy he once had with his loyal fans.

You’re Irrelevant

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but, you’re completely irrelevant. The average life span of a human being is about 70 years old and Earth is over 4.2 billion years old. Your lifespan would have to be multiplied by 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 in order to equal a nano second in the earth’s existence!

The Elasticity of Truth

I believe the heart of every scandal, betrayal, and downfall at some point relates to an individuals “Elasticity of Truth” – what they present themselves as the public to be and whom they really are behind closed doors. Think of this idea as a stretched rubberband – eventually it will have to snap back into place. The farther it’s stretched, the more it will hurt when it snaps back (or possibly breaks all together).

Chelsea Handler Sex Tape

Will the release of a sex tape hurt or help Chelsea Handler? The only way I see it hurting her is if the Parent Television Council makes a big stink about it if Handler is set to take over as the host of late night show on NBC, CBS, or ABC. Handler’s comedy is a bit edgy, she’s got 3 best selling books, and I don’t think her personal life really deviates much at all from her public persona. The sex tape (apparently all 30 seconds of it) will likely be forgotten faster than Basic Instinct 2.

Justin Beiber Is Sick of His Screaming Fans

Tween idol Justin Bieber, (apparently fearing for his hearing), says he doesn’t want fans to scream at him, or for him anymore. Our PR advice to Beiber is to backtrack on those comments and simply wear ear plugs on future tours (or lose his hearing the old fashion way by attending a Metallica concert).

No Screaming Kids Allowed

With one 8 x 10 sign, the Olde Salty restaurant in Carolina Beach. N.C has earned about a million dollars in free publicity. All the owner did was tap into a common frustration shared by millions of Americans: screaming children. How many times have you been in a restaurant, on a plane, on a train or in a library and have had to deal with this? Well played Olde Salty. Well played.

Political Polarization

I believe that America’s current political polarization has little to do with actual politics and is mostly about fear & insecurity. When people aren’t secure within themselves, they tend to deeply align (or annex themselves to) a belief system held by a group: A sports team, a political party, a religion, a movement. By becoming one with the group, their insecurities and personal concerns tend to get buried beneath all the concerns and activities that go into sustaining the group and it’s well being.