PR Firm for Lawyers New York, NY

PRPublic relations can be difficult for lawyers to navigate, which is why they frequently hire a PR Firm for lawyers New York, NY professionals regularly consult. Public relations is needed to help you gain credibility and trust that ultimately generates business. While public relations can be tricky, there are a few easy ways that you can get started on your PR initiatives while working with our New York PR firm for lawyers.

Repurpose Materials to Create Content

Any PR Firm for lawyers New York, NY has to offer may tell you content marketing is a large part of Public Relations, and this is true, but it doesn’t mean that you have to constantly create new content. You can repurpose content you’ve created for other purposes into fresh new content.

For example, you might have a great presentation that you worked on for a conference. It was a successful presentation and everyone seemed to learn something, so you know the material is good. With the help of a PR Firm, you may transform that presentation into new content that your readers and potential clients may enjoy.

You might use it as a blog post, a video, an article with a byline, or for many posts for your social media pages. A PR Firm for lawyers New York, NY provides can work with you to repurpose materials to save time and energy.

Share Your News

Don’t make the mistake of letting your honors and achievements go unnoticed. Share them yourself! Your hard-earned accolades should be shared with your clients and your colleagues to enhance your credibility, and show that you are skilled at what you do. Goldman McCormick, a PR firm for lawyers in New York, NY encourages clients to broadcast their achievements.

Get a Client Byline

If you co-author an article with a client, you get a client byline that can help your PR goals and potentially develop new business. Take a look at your client list and consider any clients that may be interested in writing an article with you. Both of you can benefit from the visibility. Any other PR Firm for lawyers New York, NY has to offer may tell you not to expect this to get good results, but we know it works.

Comment on Current Legal Events

You already spend time monitoring cases and keeping up with new precedents and regulatory changes, so why not use that time for a dual purpose? You can provide commentary on what you think of a legal event to the media and boost your visibility. You can also write your own article or blog post that outlines what the ruling means and what you think of it. This can show your clients that you are knowledgeable and keep up with current events.

Public relations doesn’t have to be a nightmare endeavor for you. It can be easy when you work with professionals with experience in the field. Goldman McCormick is a PR firm for lawyers New York, NY attorneys often turn to for help with their PR initiatives, and we may help you too.