How To Read Through BS & Protect Yourself From Liars

At one point in our lives, we’ve all been the victim of a Picasso-type BS artist. Whether it’s been a sales person, friend, date, politician, etc – our intellect accepted a lie as truth. It’s nothing to be ashamed of however, here are quick adjustments you can make to reduce your chances of getting BS’d by 80% of more.

You’re Irrelevant

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but, you’re completely irrelevant. The average life span of a human being is about 70 years old and Earth is over 4.2 billion years old. Your lifespan would have to be multiplied by 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 in order to equal a nano second in the earth’s existence!

The Elasticity of Truth

I believe the heart of every scandal, betrayal, and downfall at some point relates to an individuals “Elasticity of Truth” – what they present themselves as the public to be and whom they really are behind closed doors. Think of this idea as a stretched rubberband – eventually it will have to snap back into place. The farther it’s stretched, the more it will hurt when it snaps back (or possibly breaks all together).